Reenactment: Film Series x Readymades
Reenactment: Film Series x Readymades is a series of installations which reinterpret famous scenes from classic movies including Psycho (1960), The Graduate (1967) and Transpotting (1996). These installations enable viewers to interact and experience the classic movies through sound, light and projection. It’s a new form of storytelling which is human-scale and face-to-face interaction.
The artist tries to experiment the conjunction between readymades and the films. The method of taking old objects and giving them new lives to classic movies is the way the artist retrospects and reenacts those masterpiece classic. It’s a glimpse of classic movies through the scope and interpretation of the artist.

I-Wen Huang 黃依文

"I-Wen is a multimedia artist based in Brooklyn. Her work spans multiple platforms focusing on human relationships and cross-cultural phenomena. Creating installations, videos and web-based projects that tell stories of tension between social, psychological, and physical space.

Her recent exhibitions include the IAC center, NYC; and Internet Yami-Ichi at Knockdown Center, NYC."